Shattered Love [Freddie & Effy]

(Scroll down for the dedications) :3 Alright. Skins video. And it's Freffy. My first MV ever, well, the first serious one I've spent a lot of time working on. :) What can I say? I love Skins. I love series 3 & 4 so much and I love Freddie and Effy to death. They are just perfect for each other. And mostly, I love Luke and Kaya for the awesome job they do with their chars. ♥ Btw,I know you guys probably expected an AMV, but I want to experiment a new kind of editing, and Skins inspires me a lot. (: So yeah I know I'm probably disappointing a lot of you with this, but please , try to understand and (I hope) enjoy this. (: Stuff used for the MV ? After Effects and Sony Vegas. Song? I'm sure you know it... *cough* I wanna dedicate this to some people : Kla ( ) Her bday was... uh... I don't wanna say it, I'm ashamed. S: Ok, was on december ! Rawr. [Italian time] Scusami sore, non sono riuscita a fare un amv perchè ho davvero un blocco di quelli grandi.. xD , però volevo dedicarti qualcosa comunque, spero vada bene lo stesso, si dice è il pensiero che conta ... xD Scusami ancora, ily sore! ♥ Eve ( ) Her bday was on January! Ugh. I'm sorry Eve. S: And it's not even an amv, you can go ahead and kill me. xD But I wanted to dedicate you something anyways. ILU GURL. 8D Bea ( ) For her bday. A VERY belate one, it was on February, so yeah. xD [Italian time] Scusami Beuzza!! Spero che mi perdonerai per il ritardo !! xD *Hugs* Zane ...